Lists linked to MD30X:MBChB Phase 3 (Year 3)

Title Sort by title Academic Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Academic Days 3 2020/21 Ended 30/09/2021 20/01/2021 16:43:13
Acute Care 2024/25 07/05/2024 11:10:36
Acute Care 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 25/10/2019 19:20:44
Acute Care 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 03/05/2023 10:44:24
Acute Care 2022/23 Ended 30/09/2023 03/05/2022 12:04:15
Acute Care 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 28/01/2022 17:00:08
Advancing your Practice: Anti-Racism in Medicine 2024/25 13/06/2024 11:17:35
Advancing your Practice: Anti-Racism in Medicine 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 13/09/2023 15:24:47
Advancing your Practice: Anti-Racism in Medicine 2022/23 Ended 30/09/2023 25/11/2022 12:12:52
Advancing your Practice: Anti-Racism in Medicine 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 07/02/2022 12:51:53
Care of the Medical Patient 2024/25 07/05/2024 11:12:04
Care of the Medical Patient 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 01/02/2024 13:27:13
Care of the Medical Patient 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 29/10/2021 14:38:08
Care of the Medical Patient 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 26/09/2019 15:57:24
Care of the Surgical Patient 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 18/10/2019 20:29:33
Care of the Surgical Patient 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 04/11/2021 10:39:37
Child Health 2024/25 27/09/2024 10:30:03
Child Health 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 03/05/2023 13:59:26
Clinical Key Student 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 08/08/2019 14:52:30
Clinical Key Student 2020/21 Ended 30/09/2021 09/09/2020 14:30:17
MBChB Core Texts 2020/21 Ended 30/09/2021 23/11/2020 13:24:23
MBChB Core Texts 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 15/11/2021 12:23:45
MBChB Core Texts 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 05/10/2023 11:01:22
MBChB Core Texts 2022/23 Ended 30/09/2023 29/11/2022 15:53:47
MBChB Core Texts 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 23/10/2019 13:52:56
MBChB Core Texts 2024/25 09/01/2025 09:53:44
MD30X: Care of the Surgical Patient 2022/23 Ended 30/09/2023 22/11/2023 09:37:20
MD30X: Care of the Surgical Patient 2024/25 14/11/2024 14:51:31
MD30X: Care of the Surgical Patient 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 04/01/2024 10:07:16
MD30X: Musculoskeletal Healthcare 2024/25 13/11/2024 11:36:15
MD30X: Musculoskeletal Healthcare 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 03/05/2023 13:05:31
MedEd databases 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 25/07/2019 08:16:48
MedEd databases 2020/21 Ended 30/09/2021 04/05/2020 09:10:15
Musculoskeletal Healthcare 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 25/10/2019 20:59:17
Musculoskeletal Healthcare 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 17/12/2021 16:11:05
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 03/10/2019 14:08:34
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2024/25 13/12/2024 11:04:27
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 08/11/2021 10:37:33
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 15/11/2024 12:04:01
Personal & Professional Development 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 15/01/2024 15:02:48
Personal & Professional Development 2024/25 29/08/2024 14:22:05
Prescribing safety and competency resources 2024/25 06/01/2025 11:37:00
Psychiatry 2024/25 27/11/2024 16:33:58
SCP - General Practice 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 26/02/2024 15:10:00
SCP - General Practice 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 04/11/2021 16:22:48
SCP - General Practice 2024/25 03/12/2024 14:23:13
Specialist Clinical Placement - General Practice 2019/20 Ended 30/09/2020 04/06/2020 11:47:26
Student Selected Component: SSC 2 2024/25 05/09/2024 09:49:03
Student Selected Component: SSC 2 2023/24 Ended 30/09/2024 01/05/2024 11:12:13