Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A_UXXRKB: 21st Century Reproduction A_UXXRKB Module
Advanced cases in health and medical sciences MD3B3 Module
Assessment in Clinical Education MD900A02 Module
Clinical Examination and Diagnostic Skills for Healthcare Professionals MD9A6 Module
Clinical Skills MD108 Module
Dissertation project MD3B2 Module
End Point Assessment - Advanced Practice MD9A2 Module
Essential and Transferable Research Skills MD9A8 Module
Food: Nutrition and Malnutrition MD2B1 Module
HCSE-22/23: Health and Care in Sport and Exercise HCSE Module
Independent and Supplementary Prescribing MD9A3 Module
Infection: Prevention and Outbreaks MD2B3 Module
Integrated Science Research Project MD3A2 Module
Integrated Science: Evaluation & Presentation of Evidence MD2A1 Module
Integrated Science: Patterns and Populations MD2A2 Module
Interactions: Environment and Genes MD2B4 Module
Introduction to Counselling Skills MD227 Module
KNLOME-22/23: Logic and Knowledge in Medicine KNLOME Module
Making a difference with research and science MD3B5 Module
MD1B1: Concepts in Health and Medical Sciences MD1B1 Module
MD1B2: Systems: Cell to Society MD1B2 Module
MD1B3: Methods of Enquiry MD1B3 Module
MD1B4: Illness: Susceptibility and Inequality MD1B4 Module
MD1B5: Wellbeing: Mental Health and Neurobiology MD1B5 Module
MD3A1: Laboratories and Assessments for Integrated Science MD3A1 Module
Middlemarch by George Eliot: Theme in Medical Education MD247 Module
Pathways 1 MD2B2 Module
Pathways 2 MD2B5 Module
Pre-Hospital Trauma Care MD228 Module
Project Planning MD3B1 Module
Sign Language MD222 Module
Sleep Medicine MD236 Module
Spirituality and Medicine MD235 Module
Technology & Health MD3B4 Module
Transdisciplinary perspectives: local and global problems in health MD3B6 Module
Work-based Project-Advanced Practice MD9A4 Module

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