Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Applied Communication Project LP916 Module
Approaching Global Media LP913 Module
Arts, Community and Enterprise LP919 Module
Creative Business Project LP912 Module
Creativity & Organisation LP901 Module
Creativity, Communication and Technology LP914 Module
Creativity: From Myth to Management LP936 Module
Creativity: From Myth to Management LP903 Module
Cultural and Creative Industries Project LP931 Module
Cultural Entrepreneurship LP908 Module
Cultural Theory LP905 Module
Culture in Development LP918 Module
Cultures of Engagement LP201 Module
Developing Audiences for Cultural Organisations LP907 Module
Event Production and Creative Producing LP301 Module
Global Urban Futures LP929 Module
International Cultural Policy LP906 Module
Leading for Innovation LP302 Module
LP935: Research Design LP935 Module
Major Project LP904 Module
Managing Creativity for Sustainable Development LP925 Module
Managing Creativity for Sustainable Development LP934 Module
Managing Cultural Organisations LP917 Module
Managing Intellectual Property LP902 Module
Marketing and Markets LP909 Module
Media and Creative Industries Case Study LP101 Module
Media and Creative Industries Residency LP303 Module
Media and Creative Industry: The Workplace LP205 Module
Media and Cultural Management LP202 Module
Media and Intellectual Property LP203 Module
Media Lab 1 LP102 Module
Media Lab 2 LP204 Module
Media Lab 3 Major Project LP304 Module
Media, Creative and Cultural Industries LP103 Module
Media, Policy and Markets LP928 Module
Media, Policy and Markets LP924 Module
Mediated Self Project LP305 Module
Museums and Heritage: Policy and Practice LP922 Module
Placement and Case Study LP910 Module
Project Management for Cultural Enterprise LP920 Module
Screenwriting in the Digital World LP105 Module
The Global Audience LP911 Module
The Global City LP915 Module
The Mediated Self Project LP921 Module
Thinking Culture and Creativity LP104 Module
Understanding Cultural Work LP923 Module

Lists linked to Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies

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