Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Arabic 4 LL20B Module
Arabic Advanced LL331 Module
Arabic Beginners (extra) LL159 Module
Arabic Beginners (Extra) LL2B9 Module
Arabic extra (continuation) LL2A1 Module
Chinese 4 for language degree students LL314 Module
Chinese 6 for Business LL313 Module
Chinese Beginners (extra) LL2B1 Module
Chinese beginners for language degree students LL2C2 Module
Chinese extra (continuation) LL2A2 Module
Chinese for Advanced Reading and Writing LL316 Module
Chinese for Foundational Reading and Writing LL2B3 Module
Chinese for Heritage Students LL2A9 Module
French Beginners (Accelerated) LL262 Module
French for International Business 4 LL310 Module
GE435:Goethe's Faust GE435 Module
German Beginners (Accelerated) LL263 Module
German for International Business 4 GE301 Module
German Intermediate Accelerated LL20A Module
Introduction to Arabic Language LL1A1 Module
Introduction to French Language LL1A3 Module
Introduction to German Language LL1A4 Module
Introduction to Italian language LL1A5 Module
Introduction to Japanese language LL1A6 Module
Introduction to Portuguese language LL1A7 Module
Introduction to Russian language LL1A8 Module
Introduction to Spanish language LL1A9 Module
Introduction to the Chinese language LL1A2 Module
Italian Advanced LL2B7 Module
Italian beginners accelerated LL2B2 Module
Italian Intermediate Accelerated LL2B4 Module
Japanese (Advanced) LL330 Module
Japanese (Advanced) for language degree students LL332 Module
Japanese 2 for language degree students LL2C1 Module
Japanese 3 for BA Modern Languages LL2A6 Module
Japanese 4 for language degree students LL315 Module
Japanese Beginners Accelerated for BA Modern Languages LL2A5 Module
Knowing Women: Gender, Education, and Power in Hispanic Writing (Level 6) LL328 Module
LL113:French 1 LL113 Module
LL117:German 1 LL117 Module
LL121:Spanish 1 LL121 Module
LL122:Russian 1 LL122 Module
LL128:Spanish for International Business I LL128 Module
LL129:Japanese I LL129 Module
LL130:Chinese 1 LL130 Module
LL131:Arabic 1 LL131 Module
LL133:Russian for Scientists I LL133 Module
LL135:French Beginners (Accelerated) LL135 Module
LL138:German Beginners (Accelerated) LL138 Module
LL141:Spanish Beginners (Accelerated) LL141 Module
LL145:Chinese (Mandarin) Accelerated LL145 Module
LL203:Spanish 6 LL203 Module
LL208:French 4 LL208 Module
LL209:French 5 LL209 Module
LL211:German 4 LL211 Module
LL212:German 5 LL212 Module
LL215:Spanish 2 LL215 Module
LL216:Russian 2 LL216 Module
LL222:Spanish 3 LL222 Module
LL223:Spanish for International Business II LL223 Module
LL224:Spanish 4 LL224 Module
LL225:Japanese 2 LL225 Module
LL226:Japanese 3 LL226 Module
LL227:Chinese 2 (Mandarin) LL227 Module
LL228:Spanish 5 LL228 Module
LL229:German 6 LL229 Module
LL230:Chinese 3 (Mandarin) LL230 Module
LL232:Japanese 4 LL232 Module
LL233:Arabic 2 LL233 Module
LL234:French 2 LL234 Module
LL235:German 2 LL235 Module
LL236:French 3 LL236 Module
LL237:German 3 LL237 Module
LL239:Chinese 4 (Mandarin) LL239 Module
LL241:French 6 LL241 Module
LL242:Spanish 7 LL242 Module
LL243:French 7 LL243 Module
LL245:Chinese 5 (Mandarin) LL245 Module
LL246:Spanish 3 for CAS LL246 Module
LL247:Spanish 4 for CAS LL247 Module
LL248:Spanish 5 for CAS LL248 Module
LL249:Spanish 6 for CAS LL249 Module
LL250:French for Business (Advanced 1) LL250 Module
LL251:French for Business (Advanced 2) LL251 Module
LL252:French for Business (Advanced 3) LL252 Module
LL253:Russian 3 LL253 Module
LL254:Chinese for Business (Mandarin) LL254 Module
LL255:French Intermediate (Accelerated) LL255 Module
LL256:Russian 4 LL256 Module
LL257:Spanish Intermediate (Accelerated) LL257 Module
LL258:Japanese 5 LL258 Module
LL259:Arabic 3 LL259 Module
LL260:Chinese Intermediate Accelerated LL260 Module
LL261:Chinese for Cultural Communication and Translation (Chinese 6) LL261 Module
LL275:German 3 - Module B LL275 Module
LL276:German 4 - Module A LL276 Module
LL277:German 4 - Module B LL277 Module
LL278:Russian 2 - Module A LL278 Module
LL279:Russian 2 - Module B LL279 Module
LL280:Russian 3 - Module A LL280 Module
LL281:Russian 3 - Module B LL281 Module
LL282:Russian 4 - Module A LL282 Module
LL283:Russian 4 - Module B LL283 Module
LL284:Spanish 2 - Module A LL284 Module
LL285:Spanish 2 - Module B LL285 Module
LL286:Spanish 3 - Module A LL286 Module
LL287:Spanish 3 - Module B LL287 Module
LL288:Spanish 4 - Module A LL288 Module
LL289:Spanish 4 - Module B LL289 Module
LL290:Arabic Beginners (Accelerated) LL290 Module
LL291:Japanese Beginners (Accelerated) LL291 Module
LL292:Portuguese Beginners (Accelerated) LL292 Module
LL293:Russian Beginners (Accelerated) LL293 Module
LL294:Spanish through Translation LL294 Module
LL295:Spanish Language through Films LL295 Module
LL297:French through Translation LL297 Module
LL298:French Language through Films LL298 Module
LL306:Spanish Language through Latin American Affairs LL306 Module
LL307:French Language of Contemporary France LL307 Module
LL308:French Language for Enterprise LL308 Module
LL309:Spanish Language through Contemporary Hispanic Culture LL309 Module
LL317:Chinese 5 for Language Degree Students LL317 Module
LL318:Chinese 6 for Language Degree Students LL318 Module
LL339: Chinese 4 for finalists LL339 Module
LL345: Chinese 5 for finalists LL345 Module
LL3B3: Chinese 2 for finalists LL3B3 Module
LL3B5: Chinese 3 for finalists LL3B5 Module
LLL Arabic beginners LL171 Module
LLL Chinese beginners LL172 Module
LLL Chinese post-beginners LL173 Module
LLL French beginners LL174 Module
LLL French higher intermediate LL178 Module
LLL French intermediate LL177 Module
LLL French lower intermediate LL176 Module
LLL French post-beginners LL175 Module
LLL German Advanced LL185 Module
LLL German beginners LL180 Module
LLL German Higher Intermediate LL184 Module
LLL German Intermediate LL183 Module
LLL German Lower Intermediate LL182 Module
LLL German Post-Beginners LL181 Module
LLL Italian beginners LL186 Module
LLL Italian Lower Intermediate LL188 Module
LLL Italian Post Beginners LL187 Module
LLL Japanese beginners LL190 Module
LLL Korean beginners LL189 Module
LLL Spanish Advanced LL196 Module
LLL Spanish Beginners LL191 Module
LLL Spanish Higher Intermediate LL195 Module
LLL Spanish Intermediate LL194 Module
LLL Spanish Lower Intermediate LL193 Module
LLL Spanish Post Beginners LL192 Module
Portuguese 1 LL161 Module
Portuguese 5 LL2A3 Module
Portuguese Intermediate Accelerated LL299 Module
Russian 5 LL2A8 Module
Russian Advanced LL329 Module
Russian beginners (extra) LL160 Module
Russian Beginners (Extra) LL2B8 Module
Russian extra (continuation) LL2A4 Module
Spanish Beginners (Accelerated) LL264 Module
Spanish for International Business 4 LL312 Module
Spanish Language for Enterprise LL311 Module

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