Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
LB102: Sample LIst LB102 Module
LB103: Example list LB103 Module
LBSC: Scholarly Communications Lists LBSC Module
Library Test Course 2 LIB-TEST2 Course
Projects LBPL Module
Public Engagement Reading List LBPE Module
Test Course LIB-TEST Course
Test List for Moodle Integration Guide A_XVZTWW Module
Test Lists LBTL Module
THRIVE Program THRIVE Module

Lists linked to Library

Title Sort by title Academic Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Active Bystander Intervention 27/09/2021 14:22:04
Active Bystander Intervention 03/05/2023 13:56:56
Black Lives Matter: A Reading List 16/02/2022 15:17:35
Effective Teaching in Higher Education 2021/22 Ended 30/09/2022 15/02/2022 11:50:21
Let's talk about Autism 04/05/2021 13:27:19
Resources to Support Mental Health 03/05/2023 13:55:59
Resources to Support Study and Exam Skills 03/05/2023 13:57:03
Trans-Inclusive and Queer Teaching 21/07/2024 16:28:53
Within Books 26/02/2021 19:59:56