Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Issues in Corporate Governance LA9FP Module
Advanced Themes in Competition Law and Policy LA9FT Module
Common Law of Commercial Contracts LA9FR Module
Comparative Criminal Justice LA9FJ Module
Contract Law LA247 Module
Crime, Justice and Global Society LA9FE Module
Critical Perspectives on Forced Migration LA386 Module
Data: Law and Governance LA9FK Module
Data: Law and Governance LA391 Module
Dramatised Dissertation (Half Module) LA407 Module
Economic Analysis of Law LA9F7 Module
Financial Services Regulation LA9FV Module
Foundations of Commercial Law LA9FW Module
Gender and Work: Interdisciplinary Perspectives LA9FS Module
History of the Philosophy of Law LA398 Module
International Commercial Litigation LA9FA Module
Internet Regulation LA388 Module
Issues in the Legal History of Race LA383 Module
LA103:Introduction to the Law of Property Relations LA103 Module
LA104:Criminal Law LA104 Module
LA115:The Modern English Legal System LA115 Module
LA116:Introduction to Legal Theory LA116 Module
LA121:Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Law LA121 Module
LA124:Tort Law LA124 Module
LA127:Introduction to Law and Humanities LA127 Module
LA129: Law, State and the Individual LA129 Module
LA130: Introduction to French Law and Methodology LA130 Module
LA131: Introduction to German Law and Methodology LA131 Module
LA201:General Principles of Constitutional & Admin Law LA201 Module
LA205:International Law LA205 Module
LA206:Law in Practice I LA206 Module
LA207:The Criminal Process LA207 Module
LA212:French Law LA212 Module
LA216:German Law LA216 Module
LA217:Social Theory of Law LA217 Module
LA227:Introduction to Competition Law LA227 Module
LA230:Law & the International Business Environment LA230 Module
LA232:European Contract Law LA232 Module
LA233: International Refugee Law LA233 Module
LA236:Comparative Criminal Justice LA236 Module
LA238:Advanced Themes in Competition Law and Policy LA238 Module
LA239:Human Rights in Practice LA239 Module
LA240:Foundations of European Law LA240 Module
LA241:Law and Policies of the European Union LA241 Module
LA242:Origins, Images and Cultures of English Law LA242 Module
LA243:Contract Law LA243 Module
LA248: Property Law LA248 Module
LA249: Contemporary Challenges in Contract Law LA249 Module
LA251: Contemporary Perspectives on Property LA251 Module
LA307:Law of Trusts A and B LA307 Module
LA309:Law of Labour Relations LA309 Module
LA310:Law of Business Organisations LA310 Module
LA313:Advanced Legal System LA313 Module
LA320:Comparative Human Rights LA320 Module
LA333:Medicine and the Law LA333 Module
LA341:Introduction to the Law and Culture of Japan LA341 Module
LA346:Gender and the Law LA346 Module
LA351:Taxation Law, Policy and Principles LA351 Module
LA352:International Criminal Law LA352 Module
LA354:An Introduction to Islamic Law LA354 Module
LA355:Conflict of Laws in a Commercial Context LA355 Module
LA357:Law & Literature LA357 Module
LA358:Child Law LA358 Module
LA359:Family Law LA359 Module
LA360:Law and the Intact Family LA360 Module
LA362:Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Law LA362 Module
LA363:Climate Change and Law LA363 Module
LA364:Contemporary Issues in Legal Theory LA364 Module
LA365:Financial Services Regulation LA365 Module
LA366:Global Intellectual Property Law & Policy LA366 Module
LA367:International Economic Law LA367 Module
LA369:Law, Seas, People & Ecosystems LA369 Module
LA370: Comparative Constitutional Law LA370 Module
LA371:Corporate Tax Law LA371 Module
LA372: Foundations of Commercial Law LA372 Module
LA373: Criminal Evidence LA373 Module
LA374:Crime And Punishment LA374 Module
LA375:Disaster Law and Culture LA375 Module
LA376:International Family Law LA376 Module
LA377:Introduction to Criminology LA377 Module
LA378:Law on Screen LA378 Module
LA379:Law and Disorder LA379 Module
LA380:Cultural Heritage Law LA380 Module
LA389: Private Rights and Wrongs LA389 Module
LA390: Public Legal Education LA390 Module
LA393: Transitional Justice LA393 Module
LA394: Global Health Law LA394 Module
LA395: National Liberation, Imperialism and International Law LA395 Module
LA397: Practical Advocacy LA397 Module
LA399: Supervised Project LA399 Module
LA3A3: Law of Trusts LA3A3 Module
LA3A8: Children in the Medical Context LA3A8 Module
LA3A9: Contemporary Issues in Intellectual Property LA3A9 Module
LA3B3: The Laws of War LA3B3 Module
LA3B5: Judicial Review and Administrative Justice LA3B5 Module
LA3B6: Cinematic Explorations of Public Law LA3B6 Module
LA3C5: Charities, Civil Society and the Law LA3C5 Module
LA3C7: Intellectual Property 2: Copyright and Trade Marks LA3C7 Module
LA3C9: Contemporary Issues in Trusts Law LA3C9 Module
LA3D1: Corruption and Law LA3D1 Module
LA402:Dissertation for Final Year Law (full course) LA402 Module
LA403:Dissertation for Final Year Law (half course) LA403 Module
LA404:Dissertation on Approved Joint Topic LA404 Module
LA406:Dramatised Dissertation LA406 Module
LA901:International Intellectual Property Law & Policy LA901 Module
LA902:Regulation: Legal & Political Perspectives LA902 Module
LA903:Global Competition Law LA903 Module
LA904:Issues in the Taxation of International Business LA904 Module
LA905:International Banking & Securities Regulation LA905 Module
LA906:Legal Aspect of International Investment & Transnational Corporations LA906 Module
LA908:International Economic Law LA908 Module
LA916:International Corporate Finance LA916 Module
LA931: International Sale of Goods LA931 Module
LA932:Legal Aspects of International Trade & The World Trade Organisation LA932 Module
LA942:Gender, Access to Resources and the Law LA942 Module
LA943:Gender, Law & Change: the International, National and Local Interface LA943 Module
LA946:Community Care Law & Practice LA946 Module
LA947:Disabled People, Health & Human Rights LA947 Module
LA948:NHS Community Care Responsibilities & the Law LA948 Module
LA949:Corporate Law and Economic Activity LA949 Module
LA951:Theory and Practice of International Development Law and Human Rights LA951 Module
LA952:Civil Society and Activism LA952 Module
LA953:Law & the Global Economy LA953 Module
LA954:Global Security & International Law LA954 Module
LA955:Law Governance & Democracy LA955 Module
LA956:Global Law & Politics LA956 Module
LA958:Approaches of Global Justice LA958 Module
LA959:Law Technology & Development LA959 Module
LA960: Climate Change and Development LA960 Module
LA961:International Humanitarian Law, Armed Conflict and Human Rights LA961 Module
LA962:Theories and Histories of Human Rights LA962 Module
LA963:Global & Regional Human Right Regimes LA963 Module
LA964:Gender, Law and the Global Economy LA964 Module
LA967:Women's Human Rights and Global Justice LA967 Module
LA978:EU Law and the Environment LA978 Module
LA984:Dissertation, Research and Writing Seminar LA984 Module
LA985:The Regulation of Mergers & Acquisitions LA985 Module
LA987:Corporate Social Responsibility LA987 Module
LA990:Basic Law LA990 Module
LA991:PACE Investigating Interview LA991 Module
LA992:Further Law and Assessment LA992 Module
LA993:HSE Field Enforcement Training LA993 Module
LA9A1:International Criminal Law LA9A1 Module
LA9A3:International Corporate Governance & Financial Regulation LA9A3 Module
LA9A4:Legal Enforcement for HSE Inspectors in England and Wales LA9A4 Module
LA9A5:Legal Enforcement for HSE Inspectors in Scotland LA9A5 Module
LA9A8:International Insolvency and Debt Restructuring LA9A8 Module
LA9A9:International Environmental Law LA9A9 Module
LA9B0:International Labour Law LA9B0 Module
LA9B9:International Arbitration: Foreign Investment Disputes LA9B9 Module
LA9C1:Theories of Gender Justice LA9C1 Module
LA9C2:Global Competition Law LA9C2 Module
LA9E0:An Introduction to Islamic Law LA9E0 Module
LA9E1:Legal Aspects of Development & the Environment (Ethiopia) LA9E1 Module
LA9E2:Approaches to Gender Justice (Ethiopia) LA9E2 Module
LA9E3:Perspectives on Development & Globalisation (Ethiopia) LA9E3 Module
LA9E5:Legal Aspects of International Business Transactions (Ethiopia) LA9E5 Module
LA9E6:Human Rights & Development (Ethiopia) LA9E6 Module
LA9E7:Dissertation LA9E7 Module
LA9E8:Dissertation LA9E8 Module
LA9E9:International Intellectual Property Law & Policy (Ethiopia) LA9E9 Module
LA9F0:The World Trade Organisation & the International Trade Regime LA9F0 Module
LA9F3:Refugees, Rights and Realities LA9F3 Module
LA9F4:Law and Institutions: Economic, Political and Sociological Perspectives LA9F4 Module
LA9F6:European Intellectual Property Law and Policy-Making LA9F6 Module
LA9F8:Law of International Financial Transactions LA9F8 Module
LA9F9:Law and Policy of International Public Finance LA9F9 Module
LA9FC:Corporate Tax Law LA9FC Module
LA9FD: Industrial Policy, Innovation, and Law LA9FD Module
LA9FL:Basic Techniques of English Contract and Commercial Law LA9FL Module
LA9FM:International Commerce in the Digital Economy LA9FM Module
LA9FN:Foundations of International Commercial Law LA9FN Module
LA9FQ: Transitional Justice LA9FQ Module
LA9FX: International Intellectual Property Law & Policy LA9FX Module
LA9FZ: Intellectual Property Law in Context LA9FZ Module
LA9G: International Economic Law of the Digital Economy LA9G1 Module
Labour Law in Context LA3A6 Module
Legal Issues of Brexit LA387 Module
Modern Challenges for Family Law LA396 Module
MP059: Introduction to French Law and Methodology MP059 Module
MP060: Introduction to German Law and Methodology MP060 Module
Research Seminar on Aspects of the Digital Economy LA3A5 Module
Restorative Justice LA3A7 Module
Shakespeare and the Law LA392 Module
Study Abroad (English) LA246 Module
Study Abroad (France) LA245 Module
Study Abroad (Germany) LA244 Module
Techniques of Islamic Finance and Banking - Comparative Perspectives LA9F2 Module
The Art of Advocacy: Mooting and Forensic Rhetoric LA384 Module
Understanding Law in Context LA128 Module
Writing Human Rights LA381 Module

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