Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Adaptation ? From Page to Screens FI116 Module
Audio-visual Avant-gardes FI211 Module
Biopics FI937 Module
Blackness and American Cinema FI341 Module
British and Irish Screens FI357 Module
Cinema, Glamour and Mass Consumption FI206 Module
Cinema, Glamour and Mass Consumption FI343 Module
Classical Hollywood FI349 Module
Classical Hollywood FI249 Module
Contemporary Latin American Cinema FI363 Module
Eco-cinema: Environment and the Politics of Film FI929 Module
Experimental Documentary Practices FI339 Module
FI101: Discovering Cinema FI101 Module
FI102:The Hollywood Cinema FI102 Module
FI106:Film History FI106 Module
FI107:Film Criticism FI107 Module
FI108:Theories of the Moving Image FI108 Module
FI109:Visual Cultures FI109 Module
FI110: Screen Technologies FI110 Module
FI113: Theory for Film FI113 Module
FI115: Film Theory FI115 Module
FI203:Silent Cinema FI203 Module
FI204:National Cinemas FI204 Module
FI205:Television History and Criticism FI205 Module
FI263: British Screens FI263 Module
FI265: Two Filmmakers FI265 Module
FI301:Film Aesthetics FI301 Module
FI302:Special Topics in Film: Two Major Filmmakers FI302 Module
FI310:Dissertation Option in Film and/or Television Studies for Final Year Students FI310 Module
FI311:Television and Audio-Visual Cultures: Case Studies FI311 Module
FI314:Postmodernism and New Hollywood FI314 Module
FI315:Swedish Cinema FI315 Module
FI317:Hollywood Film: Comedy in Context FI317 Module
FI318:British Cinema FI318 Module
FI319:Italian Cinema: The Golden Age FI319 Module
FI321:Contemporary Spanish Cinema FI321 Module
FI322:Hollywood Cinema of the 1970s FI322 Module
FI323:Hollywood Westerns FI323 Module
FI324:Hollywood Romantic Comedy FI324 Module
FI325:Horror and the Gothic in Film and Television FI325 Module
FI326:Issues in Documentary (Re-enactment) FI326 Module
FI327:Postwar Japanese Cinema FI327 Module
FI329: Screenwriting FI329 Module
FI330:Cinema and Architecture FI330 Module
FI331:Film Production FI331 Module
FI332:Eco-cinema: Environment and the Politics of Film FI332 Module
FI333:Envisioning the World in Screen Media FI333 Module
FI334:Film and Television Stardom FI334 Module
FI336:Science Fiction: Theory as Film FI336 Module
FI340: Film Cultures FI340 Module
FI358:The Art of Animation FI358 Module
FI359: Biopics FI359 Module
FI360: Postwar Japanese Cinema FI360 Module
FI361: Pedro Almodovar FI361 Module
FI364: Film Seriality and Franchising FI364 Module
FI366: Screening Venice FI366 Module
FI367: US Comedy Television FI367 Module
FI900:Textual Analysis and Film Style FI900 Module
FI903:Modernity, Innovation and Audio-Visual Media FI903 Module
FI904:Issues in Representation FI904 Module
FI905:Dissertation FI905 Module
FI906:Reading and Viewing I FI906 Module
FI907:Reading and Viewing II FI907 Module
FI908:Screen Cultures and Methods FI908 Module
FI909:Film Criticism, Film Style FI909 Module
FI910: Television History and Aesthetics FI910 Module
FI911:Journeys and Landscapes in Film and Television FI911 Module
FI914:Sound Cultures FI914 Module
FI915:Not a Documentary: Fictionalising Facts in 21st Century Film and TV FI915 Module
FI916:Film-Philosophy FI916 Module
FI936: Special Topic I: Case Studies in Film and/or Television FI936 Module
FI938-30: Sound and Cinema FI938 Module
FI941: Film Seriality and Franchising FI941 Module
FI942: US Comedy Television FI942 Module
FI943: Queer + Trans Theory for Film and TV FI943 Module
FI944: Screening Bodies FI944 Module
Film Aesthetics 1 FI355 Module
Film Aesthetics 2 FI354 Module
Film Analysis and Methods FI348 Module
Film and Social Change FI335 Module
Film and Social Change FI928 Module
Film and Television Analysis FI114 Module
Film and Television Criticism FI111 Module
Film and TV Stardom FI347 Module
Film Criticism, Film Style FI932 Module
Film Cultures FI926 Module
Film History and Methods FI352 Module
Film-Philosophy FI342 Module
Global Visions FI344 Module
Global Visions FI934 Module
Horror and the Gothic in Film and Television FI930 Module
Issues in Documentary FI927 Module
Italian Cinema FI933 Module
Italian Cinema: the Golden Age and After FI356 Module
Italian Cinema: the Rise and Fall of Neorealism FI212 Module
MA Filmmaking Unit 1: Language: Image, Meaning and Style FI920 Module
MA Filmmaking Unit 2: Practice: Non-fiction and Fiction FI921 Module
MA Filmmaking Unit 3: Synthesis: Industry and Independent FI922 Module
MA Filmmaking Unit 3: Writing the Feature Film FI919 Module
MA Screenwriting Unit 1: The Screenwriter's Craft FI917 Module
MA Screenwriting Unit 2: The Screenwriter's Practice FI918 Module
Post-Classical Hollywood FI251 Module
Post-Classical Hollywood FI351 Module
Postcolonial Film FI924 Module
Postcolonial Fim FI365 Module
Queer Screens FI353 Module
Queer Screens Year 2 FI210 Module
Silent Cinema FI346 Module
Silent Cinema FI208 Module
Special Topic II : Case Studies in Film and/or Television FI306 Module
Special Topic II: Case Studies in Film and/or Television FI931 Module
Swedish Cinema FI925 Module
Television Case Studies FI207 Module
Television Case Studies FI345 Module
Television History and Criticism FI209 Module
Television History and Criticism FI350 Module
Television Studies FI117 Module
The Business of Film FI112 Module
The Practice of Film Criticism FI328 Module
Transnational Action Cinema FI262 Module
Transnational Action Cinema FI362 Module

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