Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics ES4G1 Module
Advanced Structural Engineering ES4F4 Module
Artificial intelligence in manufacturing ES2J6 Module
Biomechanics ES3H4 Module
Biomedical Imaging and Medical Devices ES3H5 Module
Biomedical Signals and Systems ES3E3 Module
Civil Engineering Design ES2F0 Module
Civil Engineering Design II ES3E2 Module
Cohort Project ES97R Module
Communication and Information Engineering Design Group Project ES9ZC Module
Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering ES3H1 Module
Computational Modelling ES1A0 Module
Conceptual and Creative Structural Engineering Design ES4F7 Module
Concrete Structures ES3G0 Module
Construction Management ES2F1 Module
Construction Materials ES2F2 Module
Control of Electrical Drives ES4F2 Module
Digital Systems Design ES2E3 Module
Electrical Power Engineering Design Group Project ES9ZB Module
Engineering Mathematics ES1A1 Module
Engineering Mathematics and Technical Computing ES2F3 Module
Environmental River Processes ES4F8 Module
ES101:Introduction to Engineering: Professionalism and Practice ES101 Module
ES173:BioMedical Engineering ES173 Module
ES174:Design for Function ES174 Module
ES175:Economics and the Structure of Industry ES175 Module
ES176:Foundation Mathematics ES176 Module
ES177:The Aesthetics of Design ES177 Module
ES180:Technological Science I ES180 Module
ES181:Technology for International Development ES181 Module
ES182:Multimedia Technology ES182 Module
ES183:Engineering Mathematics and Systems Modelling ES183 Module
ES184:Mechanics, Structures and Thermodynamics ES184 Module
ES185:Circuits, Devices and Power Systems ES185 Module
ES187:Introduction to Engineering Business Management ES187 Module
ES190:Dynamics and Thermodynamics ES190 Module
ES191:Electrical and Electronic Circuits ES191 Module
ES192:Engineering Design ES192 Module
ES193:Engineering Mathematics ES193 Module
ES194:Introduction to Engineering Business Management ES194 Module
ES195:Materials for Engineering ES195 Module
ES196:Statics and Structures ES196 Module
ES197:Systems Modelling, Simulation and Computation ES197 Module
ES1A5: Statics and Dynamics ES1A5 Module
ES1A6: Systems Modelling and Simulation ES1A6 Module
ES1A7: Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics ES1A7 Module
ES1A8: Engineering Mathematics ES1A8 Module
ES1A9: Materials and Manufacturing Processes ES1A9 Module
ES1B1: Engineering Design and Application ES1B1 Module
ES1B4: Professionalism and Practice in Environmental Science ES1B4 Module
ES2A2:Computer Systems ES2A2 Module
ES2A4:Electronic Design ES2A4 Module
ES2A5:Forensic Engineering ES2A5 Module
ES2A6:Starting and Running a Business ES2A6 Module
ES2A7:Technological Science II ES2A7 Module
ES2A8:Engineering Design ES2A8 Module
ES2A9:Engineering Mathematics and Technical Computing ES2A9 Module
ES2B0:Mechanics and Thermofluids ES2B0 Module
ES2B1:Energy Conservation and Power Systems ES2B1 Module
ES2B2:Technical Operations Management ES2B2 Module
ES2B3:Engineering Materials ES2B3 Module
ES2B4:Computer Engineering and Programming ES2B4 Module
ES2B5:Motor Vehicle Technology ES2B5 Module
ES2B6:Starting a Business ES2B6 Module
ES2B7:Systems Engineering Principles ES2B7 Module
ES2C0:Analogue Electronic Design ES2C0 Module
ES2C1:Biomedical and Clinical Engineering ES2C1 Module
ES2C2:Civil Engineering Design 1 ES2C2 Module
ES2C3:Civil Engineering Materials and Structural Analysis ES2C3 Module
ES2C4:Computer Architecture and Systems ES2C4 Module
ES2C5:Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics ES2C5 Module
ES2C6:Electromechanical System Design ES2C6 Module
ES2C7:Engineering Mathematics and Technical Computing ES2C7 Module
ES2C8:Failure Investigation ES2C8 Module
ES2C9:Forensic Engineering ES2C9 Module
ES2D0:Industrial Engineering ES2D0 Module
ES2D1:Manufacturing Engineering Design ES2D1 Module
ES2D2:Mechanical Engineering Design ES2D2 Module
ES2D3:Motor Vehicle Technology ES2D3 Module
ES2D4:Multimedia Technology and Signal Propagation ES2D4 Module
ES2D5:Planar Structures and Mechanisms ES2D5 Module
ES2D6: Semiconductor Materials and Devices ES2D6 Module
ES2D7:Systems Engineering Principles ES2D7 Module
ES2D8:Technical Operations Management ES2D8 Module
ES2D9:Technology in International Development ES2D9 Module
ES2E0:Year in Research ES2E0 Module
ES2E1:Work Placement Year ES2E1 Module
ES2E2:Study Year Abroad ES2E2 Module
ES2E4:Reaction Engineering Principles ES2E4 Module
ES2F6: Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics ES2F6 Module
ES2F7: Mechatronics and Systems Control ES2F7 Module
ES2F8: Applied Thermodynamic Engineering ES2F8 Module
ES2F9: Dynamics and Vibrations ES2F9 Module
ES2G1: Power Electronics ES2G1 Module
ES2G2: Electromechanical System Design and Control ES2G2 Module
ES2G3: Engineering Management ES2G3 Module
ES2G4: Applied Electronics ES2G4 Module
ES316:Analogue System Design ES316 Module
ES327:Project ES327 Module
ES335:Communications Systems ES335 Module
ES353:Heat Transfer Theory and Design ES353 Module
ES372:Automation and Robotics ES372 Module
ES382:Quality Techniques ES382 Module
ES386:Dynamics of Vibrating Systems ES386 Module
ES387:Mathematical and Computational Modelling ES387 Module
ES390:Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Design ES390 Module
ES3A3:Analogue Systems Design ES3A3 Module
ES3A4:CAD/ CAM Simulation ES3A4 Module
ES3A7:Design and Management of Lean Operations ES3A7 Module
ES3A8:Design for Manufacture ES3A8 Module
ES3A9:Design for Safety and Comfort 1 ES3A9 Module
ES3B1:Design Project ES3B1 Module
ES3B2:Digital Systems Design ES3B2 Module
ES3B3:Power Systems and Electrical Machines ES3B3 Module
ES3B4:Energy Studies ES3B4 Module
ES3B5:Engines and Heat Pumps ES3B5 Module
ES3B6:Geotechnical Engineering ES3B6 Module
ES3C1:Measurement and Instrumentation ES3C1 Module
ES3C2:Mechanical Design ES3C2 Module
ES3C3:Planar Structures and Mechanisms ES3C3 Module
ES3C4:Productionising Designs ES3C4 Module
ES3C5:Signal Processing ES3C5 Module
ES3C6:Software Engineering ES3C6 Module
ES3C8:Systems Modelling and Control ES3C8 Module
ES3D1:Concrete Structures ES3D1 Module
ES3D2:Steel Structures ES3D2 Module
ES3D3:Civil Engineering Materials & Structural Analysis ES3D3 Module
ES3D4:Construction Management in Practice ES3D4 Module
ES3D5:Water Engineering for Civil Engineers ES3D5 Module
ES3D6:Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineers ES3D6 Module
ES3D7:Industrial Engineering ES3D7 Module
ES3D8:Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Design ES3D8 Module
ES3D9:Applied Control: Instrumentation, Measurement and Electrical Machines ES3D9 Module
ES3E0:Power Electronics ES3E0 Module
ES3E1:Civil Engineering Design Project ES3E1 Module
ES3E6: Microwave Engineering and RF Circuits ES3E6 Module
ES3E7 - Power Systems and Electrical Machines ES3E7 Module
ES3E8: Precision, Measurement, and Control ES3E8 Module
ES3G2: Steel Structures ES3G2 Module
ES3G3: Structural Engineering Project ES3G3 Module
ES3G4: Geotechnical Engineering II ES3G4 Module
ES3G5: Infrastructure Engineering Project ES3G5 Module
ES3G6: Transport Engineering ES3G6 Module
ES3G7: Water Engineering ES3G7 Module
ES3G8: Integrated Project ES3G8 Module
ES3G9: Engineering Management Group Project ES3G9 Module
ES3H7: Group Project ES3H7 Module
ES3H9: Digital and Embedded Systems ES3H9 Module
ES3J1: Advanced Systems and Software Engineering ES3J1 Module
ES410:Group Project ES410 Module
ES411:Directed Reading Course ES411 Module
ES418:Environmental Geotechnics ES418 Module
ES428:International Exchange Report ES428 Module
ES429:Advanced Structural Engineering ES429 Module
ES430:Control System Design ES430 Module
ES434:ASICS, MEMS and Smart Devices ES434 Module
ES438:Quality Systems ES438 Module
ES439:Simulation of Operations ES439 Module
ES440:Computational Fluid Dynamics ES440 Module
ES441:Advanced Fluid Dynamics ES441 Module
ES442:Precision Engineering and Microsystems ES442 Module
ES477:Intelligent Systems Engineering ES477 Module
ES480:Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems ES480 Module
ES4A1:Advanced Robotics ES4A1 Module
ES4A2:African Field Course ES4A2 Module
ES4A3:Automobile Systems, Dynamics and Control ES4A3 Module
ES4A4:Biomedical Systems Modelling ES4A4 Module
ES4A7: Human Factors of Future Mobility ES4A7 Module
ES4A8:Design for Sustainability ES4A8 Module
ES4A9:Digital Media and Content Processing ES4A9 Module
ES4B1:Hardware Architectures ES4B1 Module
ES4B3:Energy Conservation ES4B3 Module
ES4B5:Finite Element Methods ES4B5 Module
ES4B6:Global Water and Sanitation Technologies ES4B6 Module
ES4B7:IC Engines ES4B7 Module
ES4B9:Innovative Process Development ES4B9 Module
ES4C1:Internet Enabled Engineering Instrumentation and Measurement ES4C1 Module
ES4C3:Mathematical and Computer Modelling ES4C3 Module
ES4C4:Optical Communication Systems ES4C4 Module
ES4C5:Optical Engineering ES4C5 Module
ES4C7:Renewable Energy Systems ES4C7 Module
ES4C8:Signal and Image Processing ES4C8 Module
ES4C9:Supply Chain Management ES4C9 Module
ES4D2:Wireless Communications ES4D2 Module
ES4D3:Biomedical Instrumentation and Sensors ES4D3 Module
ES4D4:Power Electronic Converters & Devices ES4D4 Module
ES4D5:Construction Management & Temporary Works ES4D5 Module
ES4D6:River Mixing ES4D6 Module
ES4D8:Advanced Geotechnical Engineering ES4D8 Module
ES4D9:Heat Transfer Theory and Design ES4D9 Module
ES4E0:Renewable Energy ES4E0 Module
ES4E2:Performance-based Seismic Design and Non-linear Structural Analysis for Steel Buildings ES4E2 Module
ES4E3:Structural Dynamics and Vibration ES4E3 Module
ES4E4:Fuels and Combustion ES4E4 Module
ES4E5:Life Cycle Engineering for Manufacturing Systems ES4E5 Module
ES4E6:Automotive Materials and Processes ES4E6 Module
ES4E7:Information Theory and Coding ES4E7 Module
ES4E8:Power Electronic Converters and Devices ES4E8 Module
ES4E9:Affective Computing ES4E9 Module
ES4F0:Advanced Control Systems ES4F0 Module
ES4G3: Dynamics of Mechanical Systems ES4G3 Module
ES4G4: Nonlinear Control and Reinforcement Learning ES4G4 Module
ES904:Computational Mathematics for Engineers ES904 Module
ES905:Signal Processing ES905 Module
ES906:Optical Engineering and Image Processing ES906 Module
ES907:Ultrasonic and Biomedical Instrumentation ES907 Module
ES908:Micromechanics, Precision Design and Analysis ES908 Module
ES911:Computational Fluid Dynamics ES911 Module
ES916:Microsensors, MEMS and Smart Devices ES916 Module
ES918:Optical Communication Systems ES918 Module
ES929:Industrial Decision Making ES929 Module
ES92U:Radiography for Nondestructive Evaluation and Testing ES92U Module
ES92W:Global Business Strategy and Economics ES92W Module
ES937:Research Project and Dissertation ES937 Module
ES93P:Project ES93P Module
ES93Q:Systems Modelling & Simulation ES93Q Module
ES93R:Power Electronics ES93R Module
ES93S:Renewable Energy Systems ES93S Module
ES93T:Advanced Fluid Dynamics ES93T Module
ES94F:Research Methods ES94F Module
ES94G:Finite Element Analysis and its Applications ES94G Module
ES94H:Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems ES94H Module
ES94V:Tunnel Design ES94V Module
ES94W:Geological Investigation & Ground Characterisation ES94W Module
ES94X:Geotechnics ES94X Module
ES94Y:Health Safety & Environmental Considerations in Tunnelling ES94Y Module
ES951: Technology Management (FT ITM only) ES951 Module
ES95A:Underground Construction Methods ES95A Module
ES95B:Project ES95B Module
ES95C:Rock Mechanics ES95C Module
ES95D:Structural Engineering ES95D Module
ES96Q:Construction Management ES96Q Module
ES96R:Professional Skills ES96R Module
ES96T:Advanced Wireless Systems and Networks ES96T Module
ES96V:Finite Element Methods for Tunnelling ES96V Module
ES96W:Project ES96W Module
ES96X: Batteries and Fuel Cells ES96X Module
ES96Y:Information Theory and Coding ES96Y Module
ES96Z:Electrical Machines and Power Systems ES96Z Module
ES971:Simulation of Operations ES971 Module
ES97A:Operation and Control of Power Systems ES97A Module
ES97B:Bioenergy and Biotechnology ES97B Module
ES97C:Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering ES97C Module
ES97D: Biomedical Imaging ES97D Module
ES97E:Biomechanics ES97E Module
ES97F:Healthcare Technology Engineering: Design, Maintenance and Assessment ES97F Module
ES97G:Biomedical Materials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine ES97G Module
ES97H:Biomedical Signal Processing ES97H Module
ES97I:Communication and Leadership ES97I Module
ES97J: Biological Systems: Analysis, Dynamics, and Control ES97J Module
ES97K:Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering ES97K Module
ES97P Earthquake Resilient Structures ES97P Module
ES99A: Humanitarian Engineering: ethics, theory, practices ES99A Module
ES99D: One Humanity; Shared Responsibility ES99D Module
ES99F: Renewable Energy ES99F Module
ES99H: Sustainable Cities and Infrastructures for Emergencies ES99H Module
ES9I7:Internet Enabled Engineering Instrumentation and Measurement ES9I7 Module
ES9N7:Dissertation ES9N7 Module
ES9N8:Diploma Dissertation ES9N8 Module
ES9Q3:Physiological and Compartmental Modelling ES9Q3 Module
ES9R8:Wireless Communication ES9R8 Module
ES9R9:Biomedical Materials ES9R9 Module
ES9S1:Biomedical Signal Analysis ES9S1 Module
ES9S2:Operations Research ES9S2 Module
ES9ZQ: Image Analysis and Reconstruction ES9ZQ Module
ES9ZR: AI and Machine Learning for Diagnostics ES9ZR Module
ES9ZT: Group Research Project (Diagnostics/Imaging) ES9ZT Module
ES9ZU: Research Project (Diagnostics, Data, Digital Health) ES9ZU Module
ES9ZZ: Microwave Engineering and RF Circuits ES9ZZ Module
Exchange Year ES3E9 Module
Finite Element Methods ES3E5 Module
Gas Turbine Equipment ES4F5 Module
Geotechnical Engineering I ES3G1 Module
Group Design Project ES97M Module
Healthcare Technology Engineering Design ES3F0 Module
High Performance Embedded Systems Design ES3F1 Module
High Performance Embedded Systems Design ES4F3 Module
Image Processing ES3H2 Module
Individual Project ES4F6 Module
Individual Project ES97L Module
Individual Project - Engineering Business Management ES3H0 Module
Intelligent System Design ES4F9 Module
Intelligent System Design ES3H3 Module
Introduction to Business Management ES1A2 Module
Mechanical Engineering Group Design ES9ZD Module
Professional Engineering Competencies ES1A3 Module
Professional Engineering Competencies ES1B3 Module
Project ES97N Module
Radiowave Propagation and Wireless Communications Theory ES9ZA Module
Radiowave Propagation and Wireless Communications Theory ES4F1 Module
Research Methods and Professional Skills ES9ZN Module
Sensors ES2F5 Module
Statics and Structures ES1A4 Module
Structural Analysis ES2F4 Module
Sustainable Energy Technologies Group Project ES9ZE Module
WM083:Technology Management and Innovation WM083 Module
WM090:Cyber Intelligence and Operations WM090 Module

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