Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Module |
Advanced Screenwriting |
EN393 |
Module |
Advanced Screenwriting |
EN3H4 |
Module |
Arthurian Literature & its Legacy |
EN3C1 |
Module |
Arthurian Literature & its Legacy |
EN2C1 |
Module |
Asia and the Victorians |
EN2D4 |
Module |
Asia and the Victorians |
EN3D4 |
Module |
Austen in Theory |
EN3A4 |
Module |
Black Radical Thought |
EN394 |
Module |
Chaucer |
EN2C5 |
Module |
Chaucer |
EN252 |
Module |
Chaucer |
EN3C5 |
Module |
Chinese Poetry and the Western Reader |
EN9A4 |
Module |
Commodity Fictions: World Literature and World-Ecology |
EN2F9 |
Module |
Commodity Fictions: World Literature and World-Ecology |
EN3F9 |
Module |
Composition & Creative Writing |
EN232 |
Module |
Composition & Creative Writing |
EN2B7 |
Module |
Critical Theory Today |
EN9C1 |
Module |
Dissertation |
EN3K9 |
Module |
Dissertation |
EN320 |
Module |
Dissonant Voices of the Middle Ages: Satire and Debate 1325-1525 |
EN2G0 |
Module |
Dissonant Voices of the Middle Ages: Satire and Debate 1325-1525 |
EN3G0 |
Module |
Drama and Democracy |
EN226 |
Module |
Dreaming in the Middle Ages: Fiction, Imagination, and Knowledge |
EN3H5 |
Module |
Dreaming in the Middle Ages: Fiction, Imagination, and Knowledge |
EN2H5 |
Module |
Dreaming in the Middle Ages: Fiction, Imagination, and Knowledge |
EN395 |
Module |
Early Modern Ecologies |
EN9C8 |
Module |
EN101:Epic into Novel |
EN101 |
Module |
EN105:Approaches to Reading in English and French |
EN105 |
Module |
EN107:British Theatre Since 1939 |
EN107 |
Module |
EN121:Medieval to Renaissance English Literature |
EN121 |
Module |
EN122:Modes of Reading |
EN122 |
Module |
EN123:Modern World Literature |
EN123 |
Module |
EN1xx: 19th Century British Culture Reading Group |
Module |
EN201:The European Novel |
EN201 |
Module |
EN204:English Special Subject:Literature of World War II |
EN204 |
Module |
EN206:German and English Romanticism |
EN206 |
Module |
EN213:U.S. Writing & Culture 1780-1920 |
EN213 |
Module |
EN223:North American Women Writers |
EN223 |
Module |
EN227:Romantic and Victorian Poetry |
EN227 |
Module |
EN228:Seventeenth Century: The First Modern Age of English Literature |
EN228 |
Module |
EN229:Literary & Cultural Theory |
EN229 |
Module |
EN234:Blake and Wordsworth |
EN234 |
Module |
EN240:Screenwriting |
EN240 |
Module |
EN242:Arthurian Literature & its Legacy |
EN242 |
Module |
EN245:The English Nineteenth-Century Novel |
EN245 |
Module |
EN246:Feminist Perspectives on Literature |
EN246 |
Module |
EN248:Modern American Poetry |
EN248 |
Module |
EN251:New Literatures in English |
EN251 |
Module |
EN255:Anglo-Irish Literature |
EN255 |
Module |
EN258:Inventing Selves |
EN258 |
Module |
EN261:Introduction to Creative Writing |
EN261 |
Module |
EN263:Devolutionary British Fiction: 1930-Present |
EN263 |
Module |
EN264:Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies |
EN264 |
Module |
EN265:The Global Novel: Narrative from a World Perspective |
EN265 |
Module |
EN266:Selected Topics in Canadian Literature |
EN266 |
Module |
EN267:Literature, Environment, Ecology |
EN267 |
Module |
EN270:Transnational Feminisms: Literature, Theory & Practice |
EN270 |
Module |
EN271:Expatriation, Dispatriation, and Modern American Writing |
EN271 |
Module |
EN274:Comparative Perspectives on Arabic Literature |
EN274 |
Module |
EN275:Romanticism Revolution and Reaction |
EN275 |
Module |
EN277:Asia and the Victorians |
EN277 |
Module |
EN278:Ends and Beginnings: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Literature |
EN278 |
Module |
EN2B0: The European Novel |
EN2B0 |
Module |
EN2B3: Drama and Democracy |
EN2B3 |
Module |
EN2B4: Romantic and Victorian Poetry |
EN2B4 |
Module |
EN2B5: Seventeenth Century: The First Modern Age of English Literature |
EN2B5 |
Module |
EN2B6: Literary and Cultural Theory |
EN2B6 |
Module |
EN2C4: Studies in Postcolonial Literature |
EN2C4 |
Module |
EN2C7: Devolutionary British Fiction |
EN2C7 |
Module |
EN2C9: The Global Novel |
EN2C9 |
Module |
EN2D0: Literature, Environment, Ecology |
EN2D0 |
Module |
EN2D8: European Theatre |
EN2D8 |
Module |
EN2D9: Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature |
EN2D9 |
Module |
EN2E2: English Literature and Feminisms, 1790-1899 |
EN2E2 |
Module |
EN2E4: Eighteenth-Century Literature |
EN2E4 |
Module |
EN2E7: Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947 |
EN2E7 |
Module |
EN2E8: Literature and Psychoanalysis |
EN2E8 |
Module |
EN2E9: States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing and Culture |
EN2E9 |
Module |
EN2F0: Restoration Drama |
EN2F0 |
Module |
EN2F1: Early Modern Drama |
EN2F1 |
Module |
EN2F2: Ecopoetics |
EN2F2 |
Module |
EN2F3: The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance |
EN2F3 |
Module |
EN2F4-15: Medieval Tales |
EN2F4-15 |
Module |
EN2F5: Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) |
EN2F5 |
Module |
EN2F7: Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 |
EN2F7 |
Module |
EN2G4: Literature, Theory and Time |
EN2G4 |
Module |
EN2G5: Disasters and the British Contemporary |
EN2G5 |
Module |
EN2G7: Remaking Shakespeare |
EN2G7 |
Module |
EN2H0: Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice |
EN2H0 |
Module |
EN2H2: American Horror Story: U.S. Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present |
EN2H2 |
Module |
EN2H3: Race, Ethnicity and Migration in the Americas |
EN2H3 |
Module |
EN2H9: On the Road to Collapse |
EN2H9 |
Module |
EN2J1: Women and Writing |
EN2J1 |
Module |
EN2J3: Austen in Theory |
EN2J3 |
Module |
EN2J4: Epic into Novel |
EN2J4 |
Module |
EN2J5: Medieval to Renaissance English Literature |
EN2J5 |
Module |
EN2J6: Modes of Reading |
EN2J6 |
Module |
EN2J7: Modern World Literatures |
EN2J7 |
Module |
EN2J9: Writing History |
EN2J9 |
Module |
EN2K1: American Poetry: Modernity, rupture, violence |
EN2K1 |
Module |
EN2K4: George Eliot and Sociology |
EN2K4 |
Module |
EN2K5: Literature and Revolution, 1640-1660: Turning the World Upside Down |
EN2K5 |
Module |
EN2K6: Yiddish Literature in Translation: A World Beyond Borders |
EN2K6 |
Module |
EN2K8: The Novel Now: Reading the Novel in the 21st Century |
EN2K8 |
Module |
EN2L3:Modernist Cultures |
EN2L3 |
Module |
EN2L4: Literature in Theory |
EN2L4 |
Module |
EN2L7: England and the Islamic World, 1550-1660 |
EN2L7 |
Module |
EN2M1: Text/Styles: Fashion and Literature |
EN2M1 |
Module |
EN2M2: Global Literary Radicalisms: Proletarian Literature from the Russian Revolution to Anti-colonial Resistance |
EN2M2 |
Module |
EN2M3: Modernity at Sea: Indian Ocean Literatures |
EN2M3 |
Module |
EN2M4: Sick Imagination: Illness, Disability, and the Critical Medical Humanities |
EN2M4 |
Module |
EN2M5: Sensation! |
EN2M5 |
Module |
EN2M7: Special Topic: The Deep Dive |
EN2M7 |
Module |
EN2M8: Single-Text Study: The Deep Dive |
EN2M8 |
Module |
EN2N1: Haunted Britain |
EN2N1 |
Module |
EN302:European Theatre |
EN302 |
Module |
EN304:Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature |
EN304 |
Module |
EN307:Comparative Literature II: Modernism and Postmodernism |
EN307 |
Module |
EN328:English Literature & Feminisms 1790-1899 |
EN328 |
Module |
EN330:Eighteenth-Century Literature |
EN330 |
Module |
EN332:The Romantic Period Novel |
EN332 |
Module |
EN333:Poetry and Emotion |
EN333 |
Module |
EN334:Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850 - 1947 |
EN334 |
Module |
EN335:Literature and Psychoanalysis: Trauma, Fantasy, the Death Drive |
EN335 |
Module |
EN336:States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing and Culture |
EN336 |
Module |
EN338:Russian Narratives |
EN338 |
Module |
EN343:Drama Performance and Identity Post 1955 |
EN343 |
Module |
EN344:Representing Depression: Aesthetics, Insight and Activism |
EN344 |
Module |
EN347:Shakespeare Special Topics: Shakespeare & the Law |
EN347 |
Module |
EN348:Twentieth Century Avant-Gardes: Culture, Politics, Contestation |
EN348 |
Module |
EN351:Modern & Contemporary Irish & Scottish Literature |
EN351 |
Module |
EN352:Restoration Drama |
EN352 |
Module |
EN353:Early Modern Drama |
EN353 |
Module |
EN354:What Are Poets For |
EN354 |
Module |
EN355:Ecopoetics |
EN355 |
Module |
EN356:The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance |
EN356 |
Module |
EN357:The Classical Tradition in English Translations: Eighteenth Century to the Present |
EN357 |
Module |
EN358:Shakespeare, Freud and the Power of Scenes |
EN358 |
Module |
EN359:Further Explorations in Middle English Literature |
EN359 |
Module |
EN360:Ben Jonson in Context |
EN360 |
Module |
EN361:Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) |
EN361 |
Module |
EN363:How to Read a Translation |
EN363 |
Module |
EN364:Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 |
EN364 |
Module |
EN366:Food and Literature: Identity, Memory, and Diaspora |
EN366 |
Module |
EN369:European Renaissance Literature |
EN369 |
Module |
EN370:Commodity Fiction: World Literature and World-Ecology |
EN370 |
Module |
EN371:Dissonant Voices of the Middle Ages: Satire and Debate 1325-1525 |
EN371 |
Module |
EN372:Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context |
EN372 |
Module |
EN373:Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue |
EN373 |
Module |
EN374:Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text |
EN374 |
Module |
EN375:Fiction Now: Narrative, Media and Theory in the 21st Century |
EN375 |
Module |
EN376:Cultures of Abolition: Slavery, Prison, Debt and Data |
EN376 |
Module |
EN377:Literature, Theory and Time |
EN377 |
Module |
EN378:Disasters and the British Contemporary |
EN378 |
Module |
EN380:Plant Thinking: Literature and Vegetal Life |
EN380 |
Module |
EN381:Remaking Shakespeare |
EN381 |
Module |
EN382:Inventing Selves 1 |
EN382 |
Module |
EN383:Inventing Selves 2: Life Writing |
EN383 |
Module |
EN387:Queering the Literary Landscape: LGBTQ+ Literature and Culture in the Contemporary World |
EN387 |
Module |
EN389:Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice |
EN389 |
Module |
EN391: American Horror Story: US Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present |
EN391 |
Module |
EN3A0: Poetry and Crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in late medieval culture and society |
EN3A0 |
Module |
EN3A2: Women and Writing, 1150-1450 |
EN3A2 |
Module |
EN3B0: The European Novel |
EN3B0 |
Module |
EN3B4: Romantic and Victorian Poetry |
EN3B4 |
Module |
EN3B5: Seventeenth Century: The First Modern Age of English Literature |
EN3B5 |
Module |
EN3B6: Literary and Cultural Theory |
EN3B6 |
Module |
EN3C4: Studies in Postcolonial Literature |
EN3C4 |
Module |
EN3C7: Devolutionary British Fiction |
EN3C7 |
Module |
EN3C9: The Global Novel |
EN3C9 |
Module |
EN3D0: Literature, Environment, Ecology |
EN3D0 |
Module |
EN3D6: Study Year Abroad |
EN3D6 |
Module |
EN3D7: Shakespeare & Selected Dramatists of his Time |
EN3D7 |
Module |
EN3D8: European Theatre |
EN3D8 |
Module |
EN3D9: Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature |
EN3D9 |
Module |
EN3E0: Dissertation |
EN3E0 |
Module |
EN3E1: Othello |
EN3E1 |
Module |
EN3E2: English Literature and Feminisms, 1790-1899 |
EN3E2 |
Module |
EN3E4: Eighteenth-Century Literature |
EN3E4 |
Module |
EN3E7: Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947 |
EN3E7 |
Module |
EN3E8: Literature and Psychoanalysis |
EN3E8 |
Module |
EN3E9: States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing and Culture |
EN3E9 |
Module |
EN3F0: Restoration Drama |
EN3F0 |
Module |
EN3F1: Early Modern Drama |
EN3F1 |
Module |
EN3F2: Ecopoetics |
EN3F2 |
Module |
EN3F3: The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance |
EN3F3 |
Module |
EN3F4-15: Medieval Tales |
EN3F4-15 |
Module |
EN3F5: Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) |
EN3F5 |
Module |
EN3F7: Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 |
EN3F7 |
Module |
EN3G4: Literature, Theory and Time |
EN3G4 |
Module |
EN3G5: Disasters and the British Contemporary |
EN3G5 |
Module |
EN3G7: Remaking Shakespeare |
EN3G7 |
Module |
EN3H0: Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice |
EN3H0 |
Module |
EN3H2: American Horror Story: U.S. Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present |
EN3H2 |
Module |
EN3H3: Race, Ethnicity and Migration in the Americas |
EN3H3 |
Module |
EN3H9: On the Road to Collapse |
EN3H9 |
Module |
EN3J1: Women and Writing |
EN3J1 |
Module |
EN3J3: Austen in Theory |
EN3J3 |
Module |
EN3J4: Epic into Novel |
EN3J4 |
Module |
EN3J5: Medieval to Renaissance English Literature |
EN3J5 |
Module |
EN3J6: Modes of Reading |
EN3J6 |
Module |
EN3J7: Modern World Literatures |
EN3J7 |
Module |
EN3J8: The Question of the Animal |
EN3J8 |
Module |
EN3K1: American Poetry: Modernity, rupture, violence |
EN3K1 |
Module |
EN3K4: George Eliot and Sociology |
EN3K4 |
Module |
EN3K5: Literature and Revolution, 1640-1660: Turning the World Upside Down |
EN3K5 |
Module |
EN3K6: Yiddish Literature in Translation: A World Beyond Borders |
EN3K6 |
Module |
EN3K7: The Novel Now: Reading the Novel in the 21st Century |
EN3K7 |
Module |
EN3L6: England and the Islamic World, 1550-1660 |
EN3L6 |
Module |
EN3M1: Text/Styles: Fashion and Literature |
EN3M1 |
Module |
EN3M2: Global Literary Radicalisms: Proletarian Literature from the Russian Revolution to Anti-colonial Resistance |
EN3M2 |
Module |
EN3M3: Modernity at Sea: Indian Ocean Literatures |
EN3M3 |
Module |
EN3M4: Sick Imagination: Illness, Disability, and the Critical Medical Humanities |
EN3M4 |
Module |
EN3M5: Sensation! |
EN3M5 |
Module |
EN3M8: Single-Text Study: The Deep Dive |
EN3M8 |
Module |
EN3M9: Special Topic: The Deep Dive |
EN3M9 |
Module |
EN3N1: Haunted Britain |
EN3N1 |
Module |
EN903:Literature of the American South West |
EN903 |
Module |
EN904:Problems and Modes in Post-Colonial Literature |
EN904 |
Module |
EN905:19th Century Children's Literature |
EN905 |
Module |
EN906:Warwick Fiction Workshop 2 |
EN906 |
Module |
EN907:Foundation Course: Writing and the Practice of Literature |
EN907 |
Module |
EN910:Warwick Fiction Workshop 1 |
EN910 |
Module |
EN911:Creative Writing |
EN911 |
Module |
EN913:Feminist Literary Theory |
EN913 |
Module |
EN914:Freud's Metapsychology and its Problems:Texts and Subtexts |
EN914 |
Module |
EN918:Psychoanalysis and Cultural Production |
EN918 |
Module |
EN920:Shakespeare in Performance |
EN920 |
Module |
EN922:Diploma Dissertation |
EN922 |
Module |
EN924:Dissertation 1 |
EN924 |
Module |
EN925:Dissertation 2 (40,000 words) |
EN925 |
Module |
EN926:The British Dramatist in Society:1965-1995 |
EN926 |
Module |
EN927:Condition of England:Perceptions in Victorian Literature |
EN927 |
Module |
EN928:Poetics of Urban Modernism |
EN928 |
Module |
EN930: Gothic |
EN930 |
Module |
EN935:Shakespeare in History |
EN935 |
Module |
EN938:Postcolonial Theory |
EN938 |
Module |
EN940:Travel, Literature, Anglo-Empires |
EN940 |
Module |
EN942:Fundamentals of World Literature |
EN942 |
Module |
EN944:Sexual Geographies: Gender and Place in British Fiction 1840-1940 |
EN944 |
Module |
EN945:Introduction to Pan-Romanticisms |
EN945 |
Module |
EN946:German Romanticism |
EN946 |
Module |
EN947:Research Methods |
EN947 |
Module |
EN948:Dissertation (for Pan-Romanticisms) |
EN948 |
Module |
EN951:Crossing Borders: Writing, Language, Cultural Transfer |
EN951 |
Module |
EN954:Romantic Elegy |
EN954 |
Module |
EN956:Dissertation (16,000 words) |
EN956 |
Module |
EN957:Long Project in Writing |
EN957 |
Module |
EN958:Shakespeare and his Sister: Men and Women Writing 1580-1700 |
EN958 |
Module |
EN960:Life-writing since 1900: History & Practice |
EN960 |
Module |
EN963:Resource Fictions: Studies in World Literature |
EN963 |
Module |
EN965:Charles Dickens: Novels Journalism and Adaptation |
EN965 |
Module |
EN966:Literature Revolution and Print Culture in the 1790s |
EN966 |
Module |
EN968:Marxism & Modernity |
EN968 |
Module |
EN971:Literary Translation & Creative (Re)Writing in a Global Context |
EN971 |
Module |
EN973:Poetry and Poetics (Foundation Module) |
EN973 |
Module |
EN974:Aesthetics & Modernity 1: The Question concerning Experience |
EN974 |
Module |
EN975:Aesthetics and Modernity 2: The Question concerning Violence |
EN975 |
Module |
EN977:Reading Space |
EN977 |
Module |
EN978:Writing for Children & Young People |
EN978 |
Module |
EN979:Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Theatre (1737-1832) |
EN979 |
Module |
EN980:Writing Ireland |
EN980 |
Module |
EN982:Translation and Mass Media Communication |
EN982 |
Module |
EN985:The Development of English Drama 1558-1659 |
EN985 |
Module |
EN986:Topics in American Poetry |
EN986 |
Module |
EN988:The Literature of the Asian Diaspora |
EN988 |
Module |
EN990:Warwick Writing Programme for Schools: Teaching Writing in School and Community Settings |
EN990 |
Module |
EN991:Ecopoetics Foundation Workshop |
EN991 |
Module |
EN992:Poetry and Music |
EN992 |
Module |
EN994:Nonfiction Writing Workshop |
EN994 |
Module |
EN996:Seven Basic Plots |
EN996 |
Module |
EN997:Master of Fine Arts Project |
EN997 |
Module |
EN9A1:Victorian Materialities |
EN9A1 |
Module |
EN9A2:The Caribbean Literature and Global Modernity |
EN9A2 |
Module |
EN9A3:The Caribbean: Reading the World-Ecology |
EN9A3 |
Module |
EN9A6:Things, Media, Systems |
EN9A6 |
Module |
EN9A7:Drama and Performance Theory |
EN9A7 |
Module |
EN9A8:Reviewing Shakespeare |
EN9A8 |
Module |
EN9B1:Narratives of American Empire |
EN9B1 |
Module |
EN9B2:Infinite Modernisms: Pessoa, Kafka, Proust |
EN9B2 |
Module |
EN9B7:Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice |
EN9B7 |
Module |
EN9C7: Critical Theory, Culture, Resistance |
EN9C7 |
Module |
EN9C9: Piers Plowman and the Poetry of Crisis |
EN9C9 |
Module |
EN9XX: Environmental Humanities MA |
Module |
Ends and Beginnings: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Literature and Culture |
EN2D5 |
Module |
Ends and Beginnings: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Literature and Culture |
EN3D5 |
Module |
Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue |
EN3G2 |
Module |
Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue |
EN2G2 |
Module |
Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies |
EN2C8 |
Module |
Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies |
EN3C8 |
Module |
Fictions of Data: Cultural Studies of Computational Society |
EN2K3 |
Module |
Fictions of Data: Cultural Studies of Computational Society |
EN3K3 |
Module |
Food and Literature: Identity, Memory and Diaspora |
EN3F8 |
Module |
Food and Literature: Identity, Memory and Diaspora |
EN2F8 |
Module |
Game Theory: Interactive and Video Game Narratives |
EN3H7 |
Module |
Game Theory: Interactive and Video Game Narratives |
EN397 |
Module |
German and English Romanticism |
EN2B1 |
Module |
Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text |
EN2G3 |
Module |
Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text |
EN3G3 |
Module |
History and Textuality |
EN126 |
Module |
How to Read a Translation |
EN2F6 |
Module |
How to Read a Translation |
EN3F6 |
Module |
IL903:Practices of Translation: Or How to Do Things with Shakespeare |
IL903 |
Module |
Introduction to Creative Writing |
EN2C6 |
Module |
Introduction to Creative Writing |
EN3C6 |
Module |
Literature and the Lifecourse: From Infancy to the End of Life |
EN9C2 |
Module |
LN311:Political Propaganda in Contemporary Europe 1975-Present |
LN311 |
Module |
MAWL Dissertation |
EN9C6 |
Module |
Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion, and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England |
EN398 |
Module |
Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion, and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England |
EN2H8 |
Module |
Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion, and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England |
EN3H8 |
Module |
Modern American Poetry |
EN3C3 |
Module |
Modernist Cultures |
EN3D1 |
Module |
Modes of Writing: An Introduction |
EN124 |
Module |
On the Road to Collapse |
EN399 |
Module |
Othello in History |
EN2L9 |
Module |
Personal Writing Project |
EN3E3 |
Module |
Personal Writing Project |
EN329 |
Module |
Poetry and Crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in the late medieval culture and society |
EN3J0 |
Module |
Poetry and Crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in the late medieval culture and society |
EN2J0 |
Module |
Poetry and Emotion |
EN2E6 |
Module |
Poetry and Emotion |
EN3E6 |
Module |
Poetry in English since 1945 |
EN3E5 |
Module |
Poetry in English since 1945 |
EN2E5 |
Module |
Practice-as-Research Dissertation |
EN9C4 |
Module |
Professional Practice Dissertation |
EN9C5 |
Module |
Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context |
EN2G1 |
Module |
Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context |
EN3G1 |
Module |
Queer Theory and Praxis |
EN9B8 |
Module |
Queering the Literary Landscape: LGBTQ+ Literature and Culture in the Contemporary World |
EN2G9 |
Module |
Queering the Literary Landscape: LGBTQ+ Literature and Culture in the Contemporary World |
EN3G9 |
Module |
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration in the Americas |
EN392 |
Module |
Reeling & Writhing: Poetry & Intertextuality for Advanced Studies |
EN3D3 |
Module |
Reeling & Writhing: Poetry & Intertextuality for Advanced Studies |
EN273 |
Module |
Reeling & Writhing: Poetry & Intertextuality for Advanced Studies |
EN2D3 |
Module |
Screenwriting |
EN2C0 |
Module |
Screenwriting |
EN3C0 |
Module |
Screenwriting |
EN9B9 |
Module |
Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists of His Time |
EN2L6 |
Module |
Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists of His Time |
EN3L2 |
Module |
Shakespeare at Warwick |
EN2L5 |
Module |
Study Year Abroad |
EN279 |
Module |
Stylistics Workshop |
EN9B3 |
Module |
Tales of Terror: Gothic and the Short Form |
EN3L5 |
Module |
Tales of Terror: Gothic and the Short Form |
EN2L8 |
Module |
The English Country House: Fictions and Histories |
EN396 |
Module |
The English Country House: Fictions and Histories |
EN3H6 |
Module |
The English Nineteenth-Century Novel |
EN3C2 |
Module |
The English Nineteenth-Century Novel |
EN2C2 |
Module |
The Marriage Plot: Romance, Sex and Feminism in English Fiction |
EN2G6 |
Module |
The Marriage Plot: Romance, Sex and Feminism in English Fiction |
EN3G6 |
Module |
The Marriage Plot: Romance, Sex and Feminism in English Fiction |
EN379 |
Module |
The Practice of Fiction: Context, Themes & Techniques |
EN3B9 |
Module |
The Practice of Fiction: Context, Themes & Techniques |
EN236 |
Module |
The Practice of Poetry |
EN2B8 |
Module |
The Practice of Poetry |
EN238 |
Module |
The Question of the Animal |
EN2L2 |
Module |
The Written World |
EN127 |
Module |
Transatlantic Modernist Poetry |
EN2L1 |
Module |
Transatlantic Modernist Poetry |
EN2K9 |
Module |
Transatlantic Modernist Poetry |
EN3L1 |
Module |
Transnational Feminisms: Literature, Theory & Practice |
EN3D2 |
Module |
Transnational Feminisms: Literature, Theory & Practice |
EN2D2 |
Module |
Twentieth Century Avant-Gardes |
EN3K8 |
Module |
Twentieth Century Avant-Gardes |
EN2K7 |
Module |
U.S. Writing & Culture 1780-1920 |
EN2B2 |
Module |
U.S. Writing & Culture 1780-1920 |
EN3B2 |
Module |
Words and Images |
EN2H1 |
Module |
Words and Images |
EN3H1 |
Module |
World Literature in the Anthropocene |
EN9B5 |
Module |
Writing Louder: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics |
EN9B6 |
Module |
Writing Out Loud: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics |
EN2G8 |
Module |
Writing Out Loud: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics |
EN3G8 |
Module |
Writing Out Loud: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics |
EN384 |
Module |
Writing the Isles |
EN3A3 |
Module |
Writing the Isles |
EN3J2 |
Module |