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Advanced Screenwriting EN393 Module
Advanced Screenwriting EN3H4 Module
Arthurian Literature & its Legacy EN3C1 Module
Arthurian Literature & its Legacy EN2C1 Module
Asia and the Victorians EN2D4 Module
Asia and the Victorians EN3D4 Module
Austen in Theory EN3A4 Module
Black Radical Thought EN394 Module
Chaucer EN2C5 Module
Chaucer EN252 Module
Chaucer EN3C5 Module
Chinese Poetry and the Western Reader EN9A4 Module
Commodity Fictions: World Literature and World-Ecology EN2F9 Module
Commodity Fictions: World Literature and World-Ecology EN3F9 Module
Composition & Creative Writing EN232 Module
Composition & Creative Writing EN2B7 Module
Critical Theory Today EN9C1 Module
Dissertation EN3K9 Module
Dissertation EN320 Module
Dissonant Voices of the Middle Ages: Satire and Debate 1325-1525 EN2G0 Module
Dissonant Voices of the Middle Ages: Satire and Debate 1325-1525 EN3G0 Module
Drama and Democracy EN226 Module
Dreaming in the Middle Ages: Fiction, Imagination, and Knowledge EN3H5 Module
Dreaming in the Middle Ages: Fiction, Imagination, and Knowledge EN2H5 Module
Dreaming in the Middle Ages: Fiction, Imagination, and Knowledge EN395 Module
Early Modern Ecologies EN9C8 Module
EN101:Epic into Novel EN101 Module
EN105:Approaches to Reading in English and French EN105 Module
EN107:British Theatre Since 1939 EN107 Module
EN121:Medieval to Renaissance English Literature EN121 Module
EN122:Modes of Reading EN122 Module
EN123:Modern World Literature EN123 Module
EN1xx: 19th Century British Culture Reading Group EN1XX Module
EN201:The European Novel EN201 Module
EN204:English Special Subject:Literature of World War II EN204 Module
EN206:German and English Romanticism EN206 Module
EN213:U.S. Writing & Culture 1780-1920 EN213 Module
EN223:North American Women Writers EN223 Module
EN227:Romantic and Victorian Poetry EN227 Module
EN228:Seventeenth Century: The First Modern Age of English Literature EN228 Module
EN229:Literary & Cultural Theory EN229 Module
EN234:Blake and Wordsworth EN234 Module
EN240:Screenwriting EN240 Module
EN242:Arthurian Literature & its Legacy EN242 Module
EN245:The English Nineteenth-Century Novel EN245 Module
EN246:Feminist Perspectives on Literature EN246 Module
EN248:Modern American Poetry EN248 Module
EN251:New Literatures in English EN251 Module
EN255:Anglo-Irish Literature EN255 Module
EN258:Inventing Selves EN258 Module
EN261:Introduction to Creative Writing EN261 Module
EN263:Devolutionary British Fiction: 1930-Present EN263 Module
EN264:Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies EN264 Module
EN265:The Global Novel: Narrative from a World Perspective EN265 Module
EN266:Selected Topics in Canadian Literature EN266 Module
EN267:Literature, Environment, Ecology EN267 Module
EN270:Transnational Feminisms: Literature, Theory & Practice EN270 Module
EN271:Expatriation, Dispatriation, and Modern American Writing EN271 Module
EN274:Comparative Perspectives on Arabic Literature EN274 Module
EN275:Romanticism Revolution and Reaction EN275 Module
EN277:Asia and the Victorians EN277 Module
EN278:Ends and Beginnings: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Literature EN278 Module
EN2B0: The European Novel EN2B0 Module
EN2B3: Drama and Democracy EN2B3 Module
EN2B4: Romantic and Victorian Poetry EN2B4 Module
EN2B5: Seventeenth Century: The First Modern Age of English Literature EN2B5 Module
EN2B6: Literary and Cultural Theory EN2B6 Module
EN2C4: Studies in Postcolonial Literature EN2C4 Module
EN2C7: Devolutionary British Fiction EN2C7 Module
EN2C9: The Global Novel EN2C9 Module
EN2D0: Literature, Environment, Ecology EN2D0 Module
EN2D8: European Theatre EN2D8 Module
EN2D9: Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature EN2D9 Module
EN2E2: English Literature and Feminisms, 1790-1899 EN2E2 Module
EN2E4: Eighteenth-Century Literature EN2E4 Module
EN2E7: Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947 EN2E7 Module
EN2E8: Literature and Psychoanalysis EN2E8 Module
EN2E9: States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing and Culture EN2E9 Module
EN2F0: Restoration Drama EN2F0 Module
EN2F1: Early Modern Drama EN2F1 Module
EN2F2: Ecopoetics EN2F2 Module
EN2F3: The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance EN2F3 Module
EN2F4-15: Medieval Tales EN2F4-15 Module
EN2F5: Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) EN2F5 Module
EN2F7: Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 EN2F7 Module
EN2G4: Literature, Theory and Time EN2G4 Module
EN2G5: Disasters and the British Contemporary EN2G5 Module
EN2G7: Remaking Shakespeare EN2G7 Module
EN2H0: Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice EN2H0 Module
EN2H2: American Horror Story: U.S. Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present EN2H2 Module
EN2H3: Race, Ethnicity and Migration in the Americas EN2H3 Module
EN2H9: On the Road to Collapse EN2H9 Module
EN2J1: Women and Writing EN2J1 Module
EN2J3: Austen in Theory EN2J3 Module
EN2J4: Epic into Novel EN2J4 Module
EN2J5: Medieval to Renaissance English Literature EN2J5 Module
EN2J6: Modes of Reading EN2J6 Module
EN2J7: Modern World Literatures EN2J7 Module
EN2J9: Writing History EN2J9 Module
EN2K1: American Poetry: Modernity, rupture, violence EN2K1 Module
EN2K4: George Eliot and Sociology EN2K4 Module
EN2K5: Literature and Revolution, 1640-1660: Turning the World Upside Down EN2K5 Module
EN2K6: Yiddish Literature in Translation: A World Beyond Borders EN2K6 Module
EN2K8: The Novel Now: Reading the Novel in the 21st Century EN2K8 Module
EN2L3:Modernist Cultures EN2L3 Module
EN2L4: Literature in Theory EN2L4 Module
EN2L7: England and the Islamic World, 1550-1660 EN2L7 Module
EN2M1: Text/Styles: Fashion and Literature EN2M1 Module
EN2M2: Global Literary Radicalisms: Proletarian Literature from the Russian Revolution to Anti-colonial Resistance EN2M2 Module
EN2M3: Modernity at Sea: Indian Ocean Literatures EN2M3 Module
EN2M4: Sick Imagination: Illness, Disability, and the Critical Medical Humanities EN2M4 Module
EN2M5: Sensation! EN2M5 Module
EN2M7: Special Topic: The Deep Dive EN2M7 Module
EN2M8: Single-Text Study: The Deep Dive EN2M8 Module
EN2N1: Haunted Britain EN2N1 Module
EN302:European Theatre EN302 Module
EN304:Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature EN304 Module
EN307:Comparative Literature II: Modernism and Postmodernism EN307 Module
EN328:English Literature & Feminisms 1790-1899 EN328 Module
EN330:Eighteenth-Century Literature EN330 Module
EN332:The Romantic Period Novel EN332 Module
EN333:Poetry and Emotion EN333 Module
EN334:Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850 - 1947 EN334 Module
EN335:Literature and Psychoanalysis: Trauma, Fantasy, the Death Drive EN335 Module
EN336:States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing and Culture EN336 Module
EN338:Russian Narratives EN338 Module
EN343:Drama Performance and Identity Post 1955 EN343 Module
EN344:Representing Depression: Aesthetics, Insight and Activism EN344 Module
EN347:Shakespeare Special Topics: Shakespeare & the Law EN347 Module
EN348:Twentieth Century Avant-Gardes: Culture, Politics, Contestation EN348 Module
EN351:Modern & Contemporary Irish & Scottish Literature EN351 Module
EN352:Restoration Drama EN352 Module
EN353:Early Modern Drama EN353 Module
EN354:What Are Poets For EN354 Module
EN355:Ecopoetics EN355 Module
EN356:The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance EN356 Module
EN357:The Classical Tradition in English Translations: Eighteenth Century to the Present EN357 Module
EN358:Shakespeare, Freud and the Power of Scenes EN358 Module
EN359:Further Explorations in Middle English Literature EN359 Module
EN360:Ben Jonson in Context EN360 Module
EN361:Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) EN361 Module
EN363:How to Read a Translation EN363 Module
EN364:Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 EN364 Module
EN366:Food and Literature: Identity, Memory, and Diaspora EN366 Module
EN369:European Renaissance Literature EN369 Module
EN370:Commodity Fiction: World Literature and World-Ecology EN370 Module
EN371:Dissonant Voices of the Middle Ages: Satire and Debate 1325-1525 EN371 Module
EN372:Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context EN372 Module
EN373:Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue EN373 Module
EN374:Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text EN374 Module
EN375:Fiction Now: Narrative, Media and Theory in the 21st Century EN375 Module
EN376:Cultures of Abolition: Slavery, Prison, Debt and Data EN376 Module
EN377:Literature, Theory and Time EN377 Module
EN378:Disasters and the British Contemporary EN378 Module
EN380:Plant Thinking: Literature and Vegetal Life EN380 Module
EN381:Remaking Shakespeare EN381 Module
EN382:Inventing Selves 1 EN382 Module
EN383:Inventing Selves 2: Life Writing EN383 Module
EN387:Queering the Literary Landscape: LGBTQ+ Literature and Culture in the Contemporary World EN387 Module
EN389:Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice EN389 Module
EN391: American Horror Story: US Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present EN391 Module
EN3A0: Poetry and Crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in late medieval culture and society EN3A0 Module
EN3A2: Women and Writing, 1150-1450 EN3A2 Module
EN3B0: The European Novel EN3B0 Module
EN3B4: Romantic and Victorian Poetry EN3B4 Module
EN3B5: Seventeenth Century: The First Modern Age of English Literature EN3B5 Module
EN3B6: Literary and Cultural Theory EN3B6 Module
EN3C4: Studies in Postcolonial Literature EN3C4 Module
EN3C7: Devolutionary British Fiction EN3C7 Module
EN3C9: The Global Novel EN3C9 Module
EN3D0: Literature, Environment, Ecology EN3D0 Module
EN3D6: Study Year Abroad EN3D6 Module
EN3D7: Shakespeare & Selected Dramatists of his Time EN3D7 Module
EN3D8: European Theatre EN3D8 Module
EN3D9: Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature EN3D9 Module
EN3E0: Dissertation EN3E0 Module
EN3E1: Othello EN3E1 Module
EN3E2: English Literature and Feminisms, 1790-1899 EN3E2 Module
EN3E4: Eighteenth-Century Literature EN3E4 Module
EN3E7: Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947 EN3E7 Module
EN3E8: Literature and Psychoanalysis EN3E8 Module
EN3E9: States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing and Culture EN3E9 Module
EN3F0: Restoration Drama EN3F0 Module
EN3F1: Early Modern Drama EN3F1 Module
EN3F2: Ecopoetics EN3F2 Module
EN3F3: The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance EN3F3 Module
EN3F4-15: Medieval Tales EN3F4-15 Module
EN3F5: Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) EN3F5 Module
EN3F7: Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 EN3F7 Module
EN3G4: Literature, Theory and Time EN3G4 Module
EN3G5: Disasters and the British Contemporary EN3G5 Module
EN3G7: Remaking Shakespeare EN3G7 Module
EN3H0: Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice EN3H0 Module
EN3H2: American Horror Story: U.S. Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present EN3H2 Module
EN3H3: Race, Ethnicity and Migration in the Americas EN3H3 Module
EN3H9: On the Road to Collapse EN3H9 Module
EN3J1: Women and Writing EN3J1 Module
EN3J3: Austen in Theory EN3J3 Module
EN3J4: Epic into Novel EN3J4 Module
EN3J5: Medieval to Renaissance English Literature EN3J5 Module
EN3J6: Modes of Reading EN3J6 Module
EN3J7: Modern World Literatures EN3J7 Module
EN3J8: The Question of the Animal EN3J8 Module
EN3K1: American Poetry: Modernity, rupture, violence EN3K1 Module
EN3K4: George Eliot and Sociology EN3K4 Module
EN3K5: Literature and Revolution, 1640-1660: Turning the World Upside Down EN3K5 Module
EN3K6: Yiddish Literature in Translation: A World Beyond Borders EN3K6 Module
EN3K7: The Novel Now: Reading the Novel in the 21st Century EN3K7 Module
EN3L6: England and the Islamic World, 1550-1660 EN3L6 Module
EN3M1: Text/Styles: Fashion and Literature EN3M1 Module
EN3M2: Global Literary Radicalisms: Proletarian Literature from the Russian Revolution to Anti-colonial Resistance EN3M2 Module
EN3M3: Modernity at Sea: Indian Ocean Literatures EN3M3 Module
EN3M4: Sick Imagination: Illness, Disability, and the Critical Medical Humanities EN3M4 Module
EN3M5: Sensation! EN3M5 Module
EN3M8: Single-Text Study: The Deep Dive EN3M8 Module
EN3M9: Special Topic: The Deep Dive EN3M9 Module
EN3N1: Haunted Britain EN3N1 Module
EN903:Literature of the American South West EN903 Module
EN904:Problems and Modes in Post-Colonial Literature EN904 Module
EN905:19th Century Children's Literature EN905 Module
EN906:Warwick Fiction Workshop 2 EN906 Module
EN907:Foundation Course: Writing and the Practice of Literature EN907 Module
EN910:Warwick Fiction Workshop 1 EN910 Module
EN911:Creative Writing EN911 Module
EN913:Feminist Literary Theory EN913 Module
EN914:Freud's Metapsychology and its Problems:Texts and Subtexts EN914 Module
EN918:Psychoanalysis and Cultural Production EN918 Module
EN920:Shakespeare in Performance EN920 Module
EN922:Diploma Dissertation EN922 Module
EN924:Dissertation 1 EN924 Module
EN925:Dissertation 2 (40,000 words) EN925 Module
EN926:The British Dramatist in Society:1965-1995 EN926 Module
EN927:Condition of England:Perceptions in Victorian Literature EN927 Module
EN928:Poetics of Urban Modernism EN928 Module
EN930: Gothic EN930 Module
EN935:Shakespeare in History EN935 Module
EN938:Postcolonial Theory EN938 Module
EN940:Travel, Literature, Anglo-Empires EN940 Module
EN942:Fundamentals of World Literature EN942 Module
EN944:Sexual Geographies: Gender and Place in British Fiction 1840-1940 EN944 Module
EN945:Introduction to Pan-Romanticisms EN945 Module
EN946:German Romanticism EN946 Module
EN947:Research Methods EN947 Module
EN948:Dissertation (for Pan-Romanticisms) EN948 Module
EN951:Crossing Borders: Writing, Language, Cultural Transfer EN951 Module
EN954:Romantic Elegy EN954 Module
EN956:Dissertation (16,000 words) EN956 Module
EN957:Long Project in Writing EN957 Module
EN958:Shakespeare and his Sister: Men and Women Writing 1580-1700 EN958 Module
EN960:Life-writing since 1900: History & Practice EN960 Module
EN963:Resource Fictions: Studies in World Literature EN963 Module
EN965:Charles Dickens: Novels Journalism and Adaptation EN965 Module
EN966:Literature Revolution and Print Culture in the 1790s EN966 Module
EN968:Marxism & Modernity EN968 Module
EN971:Literary Translation & Creative (Re)Writing in a Global Context EN971 Module
EN973:Poetry and Poetics (Foundation Module) EN973 Module
EN974:Aesthetics & Modernity 1: The Question concerning Experience EN974 Module
EN975:Aesthetics and Modernity 2: The Question concerning Violence EN975 Module
EN977:Reading Space EN977 Module
EN978:Writing for Children & Young People EN978 Module
EN979:Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Theatre (1737-1832) EN979 Module
EN980:Writing Ireland EN980 Module
EN982:Translation and Mass Media Communication EN982 Module
EN985:The Development of English Drama 1558-1659 EN985 Module
EN986:Topics in American Poetry EN986 Module
EN988:The Literature of the Asian Diaspora EN988 Module
EN990:Warwick Writing Programme for Schools: Teaching Writing in School and Community Settings EN990 Module
EN991:Ecopoetics Foundation Workshop EN991 Module
EN992:Poetry and Music EN992 Module
EN994:Nonfiction Writing Workshop EN994 Module
EN996:Seven Basic Plots EN996 Module
EN997:Master of Fine Arts Project EN997 Module
EN9A1:Victorian Materialities EN9A1 Module
EN9A2:The Caribbean Literature and Global Modernity EN9A2 Module
EN9A3:The Caribbean: Reading the World-Ecology EN9A3 Module
EN9A6:Things, Media, Systems EN9A6 Module
EN9A7:Drama and Performance Theory EN9A7 Module
EN9A8:Reviewing Shakespeare EN9A8 Module
EN9B1:Narratives of American Empire EN9B1 Module
EN9B2:Infinite Modernisms: Pessoa, Kafka, Proust EN9B2 Module
EN9B7:Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice EN9B7 Module
EN9C7: Critical Theory, Culture, Resistance EN9C7 Module
EN9C9: Piers Plowman and the Poetry of Crisis EN9C9 Module
EN9XX: Environmental Humanities MA EN9XX Module
Ends and Beginnings: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Literature and Culture EN2D5 Module
Ends and Beginnings: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Literature and Culture EN3D5 Module
Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue EN3G2 Module
Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue EN2G2 Module
Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies EN2C8 Module
Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies EN3C8 Module
Fictions of Data: Cultural Studies of Computational Society EN2K3 Module
Fictions of Data: Cultural Studies of Computational Society EN3K3 Module
Food and Literature: Identity, Memory and Diaspora EN3F8 Module
Food and Literature: Identity, Memory and Diaspora EN2F8 Module
Game Theory: Interactive and Video Game Narratives EN3H7 Module
Game Theory: Interactive and Video Game Narratives EN397 Module
German and English Romanticism EN2B1 Module
Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text EN2G3 Module
Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text EN3G3 Module
History and Textuality EN126 Module
How to Read a Translation EN2F6 Module
How to Read a Translation EN3F6 Module
IL903:Practices of Translation: Or How to Do Things with Shakespeare IL903 Module
Introduction to Creative Writing EN2C6 Module
Introduction to Creative Writing EN3C6 Module
Literature and the Lifecourse: From Infancy to the End of Life EN9C2 Module
LN311:Political Propaganda in Contemporary Europe 1975-Present LN311 Module
MAWL Dissertation EN9C6 Module
Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion, and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England EN398 Module
Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion, and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England EN2H8 Module
Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion, and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England EN3H8 Module
Modern American Poetry EN3C3 Module
Modernist Cultures EN3D1 Module
Modes of Writing: An Introduction EN124 Module
On the Road to Collapse EN399 Module
Othello in History EN2L9 Module
Personal Writing Project EN3E3 Module
Personal Writing Project EN329 Module
Poetry and Crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in the late medieval culture and society EN3J0 Module
Poetry and Crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in the late medieval culture and society EN2J0 Module
Poetry and Emotion EN2E6 Module
Poetry and Emotion EN3E6 Module
Poetry in English since 1945 EN3E5 Module
Poetry in English since 1945 EN2E5 Module
Practice-as-Research Dissertation EN9C4 Module
Professional Practice Dissertation EN9C5 Module
Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context EN2G1 Module
Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context EN3G1 Module
Queer Theory and Praxis EN9B8 Module
Queering the Literary Landscape: LGBTQ+ Literature and Culture in the Contemporary World EN2G9 Module
Queering the Literary Landscape: LGBTQ+ Literature and Culture in the Contemporary World EN3G9 Module
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration in the Americas EN392 Module
Reeling & Writhing: Poetry & Intertextuality for Advanced Studies EN3D3 Module
Reeling & Writhing: Poetry & Intertextuality for Advanced Studies EN273 Module
Reeling & Writhing: Poetry & Intertextuality for Advanced Studies EN2D3 Module
Screenwriting EN2C0 Module
Screenwriting EN3C0 Module
Screenwriting EN9B9 Module
Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists of His Time EN2L6 Module
Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists of His Time EN3L2 Module
Shakespeare at Warwick EN2L5 Module
Study Year Abroad EN279 Module
Stylistics Workshop EN9B3 Module
Tales of Terror: Gothic and the Short Form EN3L5 Module
Tales of Terror: Gothic and the Short Form EN2L8 Module
The English Country House: Fictions and Histories EN396 Module
The English Country House: Fictions and Histories EN3H6 Module
The English Nineteenth-Century Novel EN3C2 Module
The English Nineteenth-Century Novel EN2C2 Module
The Marriage Plot: Romance, Sex and Feminism in English Fiction EN2G6 Module
The Marriage Plot: Romance, Sex and Feminism in English Fiction EN3G6 Module
The Marriage Plot: Romance, Sex and Feminism in English Fiction EN379 Module
The Practice of Fiction: Context, Themes & Techniques EN3B9 Module
The Practice of Fiction: Context, Themes & Techniques EN236 Module
The Practice of Poetry EN2B8 Module
The Practice of Poetry EN238 Module
The Question of the Animal EN2L2 Module
The Written World EN127 Module
Transatlantic Modernist Poetry EN2L1 Module
Transatlantic Modernist Poetry EN2K9 Module
Transatlantic Modernist Poetry EN3L1 Module
Transnational Feminisms: Literature, Theory & Practice EN3D2 Module
Transnational Feminisms: Literature, Theory & Practice EN2D2 Module
Twentieth Century Avant-Gardes EN3K8 Module
Twentieth Century Avant-Gardes EN2K7 Module
U.S. Writing & Culture 1780-1920 EN2B2 Module
U.S. Writing & Culture 1780-1920 EN3B2 Module
Words and Images EN2H1 Module
Words and Images EN3H1 Module
World Literature in the Anthropocene EN9B5 Module
Writing Louder: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics EN9B6 Module
Writing Out Loud: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics EN2G8 Module
Writing Out Loud: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics EN3G8 Module
Writing Out Loud: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics EN384 Module
Writing the Isles EN3A3 Module
Writing the Isles EN3J2 Module

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